WHAT IS HYDRO-COLLATOR BATH THERAPY Hydrocollator bath therapy is application of moist heat as therapeutic agent and is one of the oldest forms of medicine. but these days efficient automatic units which produce a uniform and constant temperature to heat steam packs. these automatic units provide physiotherapists with a constant supply of ready to use heated packs. these automatic heating units are called hydrocollator units. The hydrocollator units are stainless steel tanks in which silica gel packs are heated. the abilities of the machines are vary and all these units have insulated bases, the units contain a wire rack which acts as a divider for the packs and prevent contact of the packs with bottom of the tank, moreover these units contain heater which is thermostatically controlled and maintains water in the unit at a temperature between 76°C and 80°C. It can be felt on continuously as long as there is sufficient water in the tank. Hydrocollator pack is a fabric envelope containi